This Discount Growth Stock Is a Once-in-a-Decade Buying Opportunity Right Now

Moderna (NASDAQ: MRNA) soared to fame -- and generated billions of dollars in profit -- thanks to its coronavirus vaccine. The biotech company also brought big gains to early investors. The stock climbed 1,200% from the start of 2020 through the end of the following year.

The company's stock market winning streak ended last year, though, when investors started worrying about post-pandemic revenue. And that left Moderna's shares down more than 60% from their peak. Some may say Moderna's moment in the spotlight is over. But a good look at the company's pipeline and vaccine market predictions tells a different story. And that means this cheap growth stock offers you a once-in-a-decade buying opportunity right now. 

First, a quick word on Moderna's path so far. The company generated $17.7 billion in vaccine revenue in 2021. And it expects to report $18.4 billion for 2022. The bad news is Moderna's vaccine may not be able to replicate these levels in a post-pandemic environment.

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