This Dividend King Operates a Lot Like Berkshire Hathaway

Most investors know just how great of a stock Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B) has been over the last five-plus decades. Led by legendary investor Warren Buffett, who at 92 years old still runs the company, the stock has soundly beaten the market in just about every year since 1965. 2022 is one of these years where Berkshire stock is showing its prowess, easily outperforming the struggling S&P 500, which first entered bear market territory in June.

Given Berkshire's past success, I think most investors would agree that any stock that operates similarly to it is worth a look. Here's one such stock you might want to consider. It also happens to be a Dividend King.

Image source: Motley Fool.

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