This ETF Could Help Grow Your Retirement Account

Over long periods, the vast majority of professional money managers tend to underperform a relevant market benchmark after including their costs. That makes investing to build your retirement account balance fairly straightforward. Instead of having to search high and low for a manager who might beat the market, you'll very likely be better off simply finding a low-cost ETF that tracks a benchmark you like and investing in it.

If you're not sure what benchmark to use, one straightforward path is to take Warren Buffett's advice to "never bet against America" and simply follow one that tracks the overall U.S. market. A superb ETF that tracks the total US Stock Market  is the Vanguard Total US ETF (NYSEMKT: VTI). This ETF could help grow your retirement account by letting you bet on American companies without having to pick the winners from the losers or spend a lot of money to get broad U.S. market exposure.

Image source: Getty Images.

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