This High-Yield Dividend Stock Is Swimming in Cash

Cash is the lifeblood of a business. A company with too little cash will go out of business because it can't sustain itself. A company with too much, however, has options.

Today, Enbridge (NYSE: ENB) is swimming in cash and looking for ways to put that extra money to work. Right now, management is defaulting to stock buybacks, but there are other options that could be even better for investors.

Enbridge is a Canadian company that operates in the energy sector. However, unlike an oil and gas producer, its financial results aren't reliant on commodity prices. That's because Enbridge operates a massive collection of pipelines, which help to move oil and gas from where they are drilled to where they get used. This is known in the broader energy industry as the midstream space, and, at least in Enbridge's case, it is heavily fee-based.

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