This High-Yield Stock Is Winning as Home Affordability Moves Further Out of Reach

(NYSE: UDR) is an apartment real estate investment trust (REIT). It has a fairly diversified footprint, spanning rural and urban settings in the U.S. With a dividend yield of around 4.6%, income investors will probably find it an attractive option in the apartment REIT sector. Here's one more reason to like the landlord.

Housing costs in the U.S. have skyrocketed. The troubling dynamics in the housing market are complicated and not easy to solve. Notably, fast-rising interest rates have multiple and material impacts.

For people looking to buy a home, the cost of financing has risen to levels that may be unaffordable. But at the same time, those with homes and mortgages are dissuaded from selling because they would likely have to finance their new purchase with a much more expensive mortgage, interest rate wise. 

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