This Is How Many Pickup Trucks Nikola Has to Sell to Top Ford's F-150

Never let it be said that Nikola (NASDAQ: NKLA) founder Trevor Martin isn't able to put -- and keep -- the media spotlight on the electric automobile company. Borrowing a page from Elon Musk's playbook, Martin turned heads a few days ago just by suggesting Nikola's planned pickup truck is a serious threat to Ford's (NYSE: F) popular F-150 series of trucks. It's remarkable simply because Ford's F-150 series is the best-selling full-size pickup truck in the world, by a country mile. Making the comment even more remarkable is the fact that Ford is planning to make its own battery-powered F-150 within a couple of years.

To that end, investors should be careful about buying into the hype without any actual results to judge. It worked out well for early Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) shareholders, but at the time, Tesla was the only real EV game in town.

Nikola Badger pickup truck concept vehicle. Image source: Nikola.

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