This Is My Top Stock to Buy In July (and It's Not Even Close)

Financial-market fads come and go, but the need for minerals to power the world's new energy vehicles won't vanish anytime soon. Thus, as short-term traders obsess over artificial intelligence and the metaverse, long-term investors can turn to established lithium-focused companies for potentially powerful returns down the road.

Indeed, the time is right for a prime lithium pick in July. Lithium is hardly mentioned in the financial headlines anymore -- and that's when savvy investors should pounce on underappreciated growth opportunities. Let's take a closer look at a vehicle-electrification picks-and-shovels investment for H2 2023 and beyond.

While it's certainly not the only way to invest in lithium's future upside, Livent (NYSE: LTHM) stock offers exposure to lithium. Plus, Livent is a well-established company that's been around since 1940, and it has a market cap in the billions. It's not a fly by-night start-up that might fold before the year's over.

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