This Is Warren Buffett's Favorite Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock. Here's Why.

Warren Buffett isn't someone that makes investments based on new technology trends. That doesn't mean he ignores them entirely, though.

When asked about artificial intelligence (AI) at Berkshire Hathaway's (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B) shareholder meeting in May, he paraphrased Albert Einstein's comments about the invention of the atomic bomb: "It can change everything in the world, except how men think and behave."

As such, he has some trepidation about how people and businesses will use AI, saying, "When something can do all kinds of things, I get a little bit worried because I know we won't be able to un-invent it." Nonetheless, he happens to hold several companies in Berkshire's portfolio that are leading the development and distribution of artificial intelligence.

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