This Is the Average Social Security Benefit for Age 65

Americans who qualify can start collecting Social Security as soon as they turn 62 or as late as 70, but what the government views as your "full retirement age" will fall between 66 and 67, depending on the year you were born. And the reality is that many Americans choose to claim Social Security before they reach full retirement age.

One of the most popular ages at which to start collecting Social Security is 65, and this certainly makes sense. After all, it's the age at which you become eligible for Medicare, so it's the earliest that many workers can retire and not have to worry about obtaining health insurance.

With that in mind, there are about 1.4 million 65-year-olds who receive Social Security benefits for retired workers. Here's a rundown of their average benefit, as well as other types of Social Security benefits and the average retired worker's benefit for other ages.

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