This Is the Biggest Reason Sea Limited Stock Is Down 90%. Should Investors Buy the Stock Now That the Problem Just Went Away?

Few stocks have ever experienced the gut-wrenching journey of Sea Limited (NYSE: SE). In a span of about four years, it rose from obscurity to become a market darling, only to then be completely dismissed. If you purchased shares four years ago, at one point your investment was up over 1,000%. But if you bought in at its peak, you'd be down 90% as of this writing.

Sea stock hit its all-time high in late 2021, which coincides with the all-time high for the S&P 500. But Sea isn't down merely because the stock market turned sour, especially on growth stocks. A major blow to its video game segment in early 2022 became a driving factor in the stock's decline.

This is why investors need to pay attention now: Sea announced that problem just went away.

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