This Latest Move by Apple Should Have The Trade Desk Shaking in Its Boots

There's little question that The Trade Desk (NASDAQ: TTD) is the industry-leading incumbent in programmatic advertising. The company upended the status quo by pulling back the curtain on digital advertising, developing transparent pricing that made it the first choice among ad agencies and individual advertisers alike. In doing so, The Trade Desk carved out a lucrative niche for itself in the ad-tech space, one that seemed unassailable -- until now.

Enter Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL). Recent moves by the iPhone maker suggest the company has its sights set on establishing a beachhead in the digital-advertising space, which would be a natural extension of the company's existing business. Unfortunately, depending on which direction Apple takes, this could put the company in direct competition with The Trade Desk, which should have the company shaking in its boots.

A series of recent job postings by Apple provide keen insight into the company's plans. Apple is looking for a senior product manager for a demand-side platform (DSP), which allows ad agencies and advertisers to buy digital-advertising inventory. In true Apple fashion, however, the company is focusing on consumer privacy. 

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