This Ridiculously Cheap Warren Buffett Stock Could Help Make You Richer

Contrary to a common assumption, successful stock-picking doesn't have to be a complicated or time-consuming process. Take Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway as an example. Its equity investment unit achieved its market-beating long-term track record largely by buying and holding the simplest of stocks. Buffett just happens to have the discipline of buying into quality companies at good prices, and then sticking with them while they make progress.

You can do the same. You can even do it by picking from among the same stocks Berkshire Hathaway holds since it regularly discloses what's in its portfolio. And one of its holdings you may want to dive into while it's cheap is oil and natural gas giant Chevron (NYSE: CVX).

Berkshire Hathaway has owned oil stocks in the past, but it's not a sector it has kept a great deal of exposure to for years on end. Indeed, the Chevron position first initiated back in 2020 makes it one of his longer-held energy names. The fact that Berkshire is still holding this one speaks volumes about Buffett's confidence in the company.

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