This Ridiculously Cheap Warren Buffett Stock Could Make You Richer

Investors tend to follow the companies in which Warren Buffett invests. After all, he's considered by many to be the greatest investor of all time, so naturally, it's fascinating to see what he buys and sells. Did you know U.S. e-commerce giant Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) is a Buffett stock?

It's a position you don't hear much about because it's not very big in Buffett's portfolio. His holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, allocates just 0.5% of its holdings to Amazon, a position Buffett didn't add until 2019.

But don't let Buffett's relatively modest stake in Amazon prevent you from capitalizing on an opportunity sitting in plain sight. Amazon is cheap today, even after shares have risen over 50% this past year.

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