This Simple ETF Could Turn $500 a Month Into $1 Million

It's always inspiring to hear stories about people who invested in a company and made tons of money as the company grew and succeeded. Although these stories are a testament to the power of investing, they can also be misleading. This is not because it doesn't happen often but because it doesn't take hitting big on a single company to make a lot of money in the stock market.

Investing consistently in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is a great way to build wealth. ETFs allow you to invest in dozens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of companies in a single investment. For investors looking for an ETF that can help carry them to millionaire land, look no further than the Vanguard Growth ETF (NYSEMKT: VUG).

Since its January 2004 inception, this ETF has outperformed the market (based on S&P 500 returns), averaging around 11.6% total returns. The returns are even more impressive when you zoom in on the past decade, with the ETF averaging around 15.7% total returns.

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