This Social Security Strategy Is Great for Couples

The great thing about going into retirement as a married couple is being able to support one another logistically, emotionally, and financially during that transition. In fact, if you're part of a couple where you and your spouse both worked, then you may be in a solid position to maximize your retirement income. This especially holds true if you both socked away money in a retirement savings account.

But withdrawals from savings won't be your only income source during retirement. If you and your spouse both worked, you may each be entitled to a Social Security benefit of your own. And in that case, teaming up to file strategically could put you in a great position to retire when you want to, all the while getting more money out of the program.

The age at which you choose to claim Social Security is significant. If you wait until full retirement age, or FRA, to sign up, you'll get the exact monthly benefit you're entitled to based on your wage history (specifically, what you earned during your 35 most profitable years on the job).

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