This Warren Buffett Stock Is Soaring Thanks to... Gen Z?!

When someone thinks of a "Warren Buffett" stock, you don't normally associate it with Generation Z -- the generation born after 1997. After all, Buffett turned 91 a few months ago and is mostly known for investments in candy, insurance, and railroads -- not cloud software, crypto, and meme stocks.

But one thing Buffett does seek out is durable brands that can stand the test of time. That's what it looks like he's found in American Express (NYSE: AXP), which Buffett bought back in the early 1990s. After spending much of the past 30 years positioning itself as a premium brand for well-off clients who like to travel, AmEx's management appears to have found its stride with the younger generation -- and it's showing up in the company's financials.

Image source: Getty Images.

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