Top 5 Reasons You Never Hear Back After Applying for a Job

By Meghan M. Biro

People often wonder why they never hear anything back after they hit "send" on the email with a resume attached or on the online job application. If you're very lucky, you might have a preliminary email exchange with a recruiter and then never hear from them again. It's a depressing experience, and one that also casts a shadow on the hiring company's reputation. So why does it happen? Is it you, is it them, or is it just something every candidate must prepare for in the hiring process?

An oft-cited recruiter's complaint is that as many as 50% of people applying for a given job simply aren't qualified. Adding to the challenge, most large companies -- and many smaller ones -- use talent-management software to screen resumes, weeding out up to 50% of applicants before a human even looks at a resume or cover letter. The deck is definitely stacked against the job seeker. So how do you break through?

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