Trouble Might Be Coming for the Travel Industry. Is It Worth Investing in Airbnb or Booking Holdings Stock Right Now?

Various industries are going through extreme cycles of performance that began with the pandemic. But they're not going through this together; rather, the cycles have been staggered. First, e-commerce accelerated, dropped, and is now getting back to a new equilibrium. As physical stores reopened, they enjoyed a resurgence, and they're now slowing down.

It's finally travel's turn. The travel industry acutely felt the disruption of closed borders and lockdowns, and between different countries' timelines and people's own comfort with traveling, it's been a long road toward a full travel recovery. However, it's arrived, and travel companies have been benefiting from a steady rebound that's taken place over a long time frame.

Is that rebound coming to an end? Many analysts think so. The natural curve of a depressed market followed by a surging market finishes with a correction back to moderating levels. That means the increases that travel companies have been demonstrating might be slowing down fast.

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