Trump? Biden? It Doesn't Matter Who Wins If You're Invested in These Industries

The big day is now less than four weeks away. In 26 days, Americans across the country will head to the polls or mail in their ballots to determine who'll lead the country for the next four years. Though Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden has a tidy advantage in polling over incumbent Republican Donald Trump, we learned in 2016 that anything can happen come Election Day.

The big question likely on the minds of investors is, "What should I do if Trump wins a second term or Biden upends Trump?" While there are a lot of scenarios playing out before our eyes, there are a few high-growth industries that are going to prosper no matter who wins the presidency. Whether it's Donald Trump or Joe Biden being sworn in on Jan. 20, 2021, these three industries look like surefire winners.

Image source: Getty Images.

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