U.S. Solar Industry Could be Decimated If Suniva/SolarWorld Win Trade Case

Tuesday was the day bankrupt Suniva and SolarWorld made their case to the International Trade Commission arguing what they think protections against solar imports should look like. Tariffs, price floors, and import quotas were all discussed, and could all be bad for the solar industry as a whole in a variety of ways.

Coming out against protections were the diverse group of Sunrun (NASDAQ: RUN), SunPower (NASDAQ: SPWR), NextEra Energy (NYSE: NEE), NRG Energy (NYSE: NRG), and many more companies. It was rare solidarity against protections because if tariffs or quotas are imposed the only real winner will probably be First Solar (NASDAQ: FSLR), which isn't involved in the case. 

The ITC won't make a recommendation to President Trump as to what should be done to make U.S. solar manufacturing more competitive until November 13, but we at least know what's on the table. And depending on what commissioners choose to recommend and what President Trump chooses to do, it could be bad for almost everyone. 

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Source: Fool.com