Up 1,305% Since Its March 2020 Low, Is Tesla Still a Buy?

You may not realize it, but investors have witnessed history over the past two years. The coronavirus crash in the first quarter of 2020 marked the quickest decline of at least 30% in the S&P 500's storied history. It took about a month.

Meanwhile, the subsequent bounce from the March 2020 bear-market bottom is the strongest on record, with the benchmark index doubling in value in under 17 months. Considering that the S&P 500 has averaged an annualized total return, including dividends, of around 11% since 1980, a doubling in value in less than 17 months is an eyebrow-raising event.

However, the broad-based index isn't the only thing that's caused investors' jaws to hit the floor since the bear-market bottom was hit. Electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Tesla Motors (NASDAQ: TSLA) has delivered a 1,305% gain, through this past weekend, from its bottom nearly 21 months ago.

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Source Fool.com