Up 7% In 2023, Is It Safe to Invest In the S&P 500 Right Now?

Compared to long-term averages, the market's a bit ahead of its bullish schedule for 2023. Specifically, by mid-June the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) is usually only up 3.3% for the year. This time around, it's up more than twice that amount. Indeed, the index is now up a hefty 18% from October 2022's low, and testing even higher highs.

But the sheer scope of the gain begs the question: Is there any room for the S&P 500 to tack on more gains in the immediate future? After all, chatter of a recession is still being kicked around by the experts.

Don't sweat it. As long as you're long-term-focused, now's a fine time to step into new positions.

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Source Fool.com