Upstart Is Cornering This $2.1 Trillion Lending Market

Fintech company Upstart Holdings (NASDAQ: UPST) has been one of Wall Street's most volatile stocks; in just under two years since going public, the stock's gone from $20 to $400 back down again -- a stressful ride indeed!

The company is still young and has to prove to investors that it has the staying power to not only survive but thrive over the coming years. There is still a lot of work to be done on that front, but Upstart has seemingly found a niche that could help it to grow and establish itself enough to win back investors. 

Upstart uses artificial intelligence to displace a credit score in approving borrowers for consumer loans. The company argues that credit scores are an outdated technology that paints borrowers with too broad a stroke and skips over worthy applicants in the process. The company says its algorithms can approve loans at the same rate but suffer 75% fewer defaults.

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