Use These 3 Warren Buffett Principles to Supercharge Your Investment Returns in 2023

When assembling a list of the greatest investors of all time, Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, easily makes the list. While most know his value-focused market strategy, the principles he abides by can be helpful for all kinds of investors.

So while you might consider yourself a growth investor or income investor, here are three principles that can help improve your returns in 2023 and beyond, regardless of what camp you fall into.

When market panic (or euphoria) sets in, it's easy to follow the crowd. However, Buffett thinks that is a mistake. Buffett has said investors should "be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful." While the market was fearful for much of 2022, it has seen quite a bit of optimism in 2023.

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