Video Game Streaming Surges in Popularity Due to Coronavirus Lockdown

The global COVID-19 pandemic is brutalizing retailers and straining the world's healthcare systems. But it's proven to be a boon for one sliver of the video gaming industry. Interest in watching other people play video games has soared, boosted by a conspicuous lack of professional sporting events. Yes, that's esports -- professional video game playing -- but not just esports. Bored, stuck-at-home consumers have increasingly embraced the idea of just watching other gamers play non-tournament matches as well.

The anecdotal evidence: Two weekends ago, after IndyCar and Formula 1 racing events were cancelled due to coronavirus concerns, online motorsports magazine The Race organized what it called an All-Star Esports Battle -- a virtual car race using a racing game called rFactor 2, developed and published by Image Space. The event, in which real race car drivers also participated, reportedly drew more than half a million viewers through Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOGL) (NASDAQ: GOOG) property YouTube.

Soak that in for a moment. Half of a million people, many of whom were likely planning on watching the real race, were content to watch a pretend, virtual race via the internet.

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