Wall Street Has Given Up on These 3 Stocks, and That's a Huge Mistake

"Stocks always go down faster than they go up, but they always go up more than they go down."

Long-term investors will probably recognize this old market truism -- maybe even from their own personal and painful experience of the "go down" part. But investors who've stuck around in the market long enough to earn the title long-term investors will know that the second half of this statement is true as well.

Over long periods of time, the stock market as a whole does tend to go up -- about 10% a year on average. And one of the best ways to make money in the market is to buy stocks that have gone down so much as to suggest Wall Street has given up on their ever turning around. When that happens, you can scoop up those stocks on the cheap, and then slowly ride them back up again.

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Source Fool.com