Wall Street Jumps on the AI Trend With ETFs, but Should You Join In?

Depending on your viewpoint, artificial intelligence (AI) can be anything from the frightening rise of the machines to the next great advance for humanity. Right now it seems like the business world is doing its best to benefit from the technology, which has investors clamoring to get onboard as well. Wall Street has taken notice and introduced products to help small investors do just that. But are AI exchange-traded funds (ETFs) really a good idea?

The mass availability of artificial intelligence is new and exciting. But as far as technology trends go, the world has lived through many waves of new technology. For example, when combustion engine automobiles became widely available, household-name companies like Ford and General Motors were created. Moving to more modern times, personal computers created giants like , Apple, and Intel. There is a lot of money to be made by investing in the companies that create, support, and distribute new technology.

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