Wall Street’s Howard Rubin Sued For Sexual Assault

Howard Rubin, Wall Street financier and wingman of billionaire George Soros, has been sued for sexual assault during BDSM sessions.


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Gruesome Details of Howard Rubin

According to the Daily Mail, six women –among them Playboy playmates– are seeking an $18 million compensation for Rubin’s violent abuse during sadomasochistic sex meetings held in his Manhattan penthouse.

Allegedly, Howard Rubin, 66, bound, gagged, and beat them after paying them up to $5,000 to take part in his sexual fantasies.

Despite accepting the pay, the women involved claimed that Rubin “went too far” as they did not accept the millionaire’s degree of violence and humiliation he later exerted during the encounters.

The details disclosed by the New York Post are gruesome. One woman was beaten so badly that “her plastic surgeon was not willing to operate on her after her right breast implant flipped.”

One plaintiff claims that “while she was bound and vulnerable in Rubin’s lair, he told her ‘I’m going to rape you like I rape my daughter’.”

A trader who worked with Rubin at Soros Fund Management, said: “I thought he was a nice guy. He was a nebbishy Jewish guy and totally normal. I was surprised to hear about him having that apartment [with a sex dungeon].”

An Unflattering Background

The first allegations saw the light in November 2017 through Mia Lytell, Amy Moore, and Stephanie Caldwell, but it was until July this year that his wife of 36 years, Mary Henry, filed for divorce.

Howard Rubin’s already tarnished reputation is also spurred by some startling Wall Street stories.

One ex-co-worker told the New York Post, “I saw him throw a chair on the trading floor … He said, ‘F–k. I just lost $50 million!’ and threw a chair at his computer. Then he came back and threw it a second time, even harder.”

“That sums up Howie: High strung, aggressive, does not hold back his feelings. He was a trader whose ego was tied up in being the biggest swinging dick on Wall Street.”

Between 1985 and 1987, Rubin worked at Merrill Lynch Mortgage Capital Markets where his devious self was on display again. While at the firm, “Rubin made an unauthorized trade that resulted in a widely publicized $250 million loss that led to him being fired.”

Despite all these stories, co-workers were completely unaware of Howard Rubin’s sexual aberrations. When the scandal broke in 2017, “people were calling me and saying he’s a sleaze,” says his ex-colleague.

“Howie has no morals. While at Merrill Lynch, he was morally bankrupt.”

The post Wall Street’s Howard Rubin Sued For Sexual Assault appeared first on ValueWalk.

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