Walmart Earnings: The Shopping Boom Isn't Fading

Walmart (NYSE: WMT) may enjoy a soft landing in 2021 after all. The world's biggest retailer this week revealed slowing growth as it begins to go up against some of the biggest pandemic-related demand spikes from a year ago. But the deceleration was modest, and executives said they like what they're seeing around consumers' propensity to spend right now. These positive trends have the discount chain predicting more growth ahead in Q2 and for the rest of the fiscal year.

Let's dive right in.

As expected, sales gains slowed as comparable-store sales growth hit 6% compared to the 9% increase Walmart enjoyed through 2020. Yet that expansion came on top of a huge spike a year ago, when consumers were busy packing their pantries during the initial phase of economic lockdowns around the world. Stepping back, revenue trends are still strong, with comps rising 16% over the past two years.

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