Walmart Stock Performance Has Doubled That of the S&P 500 Since Doing This One Thing

The year was 2015. Walmart (NYSE: WMT) CEO Doug McMillon had been at the helm of the retail giant for less than two years, but he was facing a slow-moving disaster. Growth was stagnant as the company was steadily losing market share to e-commerce juggernaut Amazon and more nimble brick-and-mortar retailers like Costco.

With online retail going mainstream, Walmart's tried-and-true "land-grab" strategy of blanketing the U.S. with superstores was no longer delivering the growth the consumer staples giant was accustomed to. The lack of future growth was evident in the stock price, which had gone almost nowhere over the previous 15 years and had sagged through much of 2015 on disappointing results.

Image source: Walmart.

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