Want $100 in Super Safe Monthly Dividend Income in 2024? Invest $11,925 Into the Following 3 High-Yield Stocks.

One of the greatest aspects of putting your money to work on Wall Street is that there isn't a one-size-fits-all strategy to wealth creation. Regardless of your investment style or approach, there are always pathways to grow your nest egg.

However, there are certain investing strategies that are tough to top. One such strategy that's been a consistent winner for patient investors is buying dividend stocks.

A recent study from Ned Davis Research and the Hartford Funds examined the performance of dividend-paying companies to non-payers over a roughly half-century stretch (1973-2022). What this analysis showed was that dividend payers generated an annualized return of 9.18% over five decades. By comparison, the non-payers scraped and clawed their way to an annualized return of just 3.95% over the same timeline.

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Source Fool.com