Want Safety and Growth in 2023? Try These Dividend Stocks.

Last year was a tough one for most companies and investors. The three major indexes touched bear territory. And even the strongest of companies saw their share prices slip. Everyone is hoping 2023 will bring better days. History indicates this might happen. Still, to maximize your chances of winning this year and over the long term, it's best to be prepared for any situation.

How should investors do that? By looking for safety and growth. You'll find that in certain dividend stocks. Often, they're thought of as safe, but slow when it comes to growth. That's not always the case, though. Yes, they're safe because they pay you annually for holding the stock -- no matter how the stock or general market performs. But some dividend stocks also can bring you growth over time. Let's consider two to buy in 2023.

AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV) makes the world's best-selling drug. The immunology treatment Humira brought in $20 billion in 2021. The bad news is that product is set to face competition as of this month, and that will weigh on sales.

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Source Fool.com