Want to Collect a Special Dividend? Buy This Energy Name Now

Everyone loves gifts. But not everyone thinks of corporations as gift-givers. Nevertheless, many companies do dole out monetary "gifts" to shareholders in the form of dividends. In fact, smart investors know that some companies pay more than one type of dividend: regular dividends and special dividends. 

Let's talk about one company scheduled to pay out a special dividend: EOG Resources (NYSE: EOG).

Now, technically speaking, dividends aren't gifts. They're the fulfillment of a promise. When you buy a stock, you become a partial owner of the company, and you get a (small) claim on that company's earnings. A dividend payment is a reward for your investment -- your piece of the pie, so to speak. When it comes to EOG, there are two types of dividends the company pays: regular and special.

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Source Fool.com