Want to Find the Next Amazon or Super Micro Computer? Look for Companies That Share Their Secret Winning Business Strategy.

Two of the biggest long-term winners in the stock market, Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) and Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ: SMCI), don't have much in common at first glance. The former is an e-commerce leader and inventor of cloud computing. The latter is a manufacturer of data center servers.

But there's more in common than meets the eye. For one thing, both companies operate in fairly cutthroat, low-margin businesses: retail and server hardware.

Yet despite being in such difficult businesses, each has managed more than 9,000% returns (that's 90x) in the stock market over the past 20 years. That's more than 10 times the return of the Nasdaq 100 and over 33 times the return of the S 500!

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Source Fool.com