Want to Follow in Warren Buffett's Footsteps This Year? Do These 3 Things.

Warren Buffett has dazzled the investment community for years. He didn't become a billionaire overnight, but over time, he's built his own fortune and that of many others through his leadership of Berkshire Hathaway. As chairman, he's helped deliver a compounded annual gain of nearly 20% over 57 years -- that's compared to a 9.9% compounded increase for the S 500.

And that means it's no surprise investors far and wide look to Buffett for advice. Of course, most of us don't have billions of dollars to invest like Buffett, but here's the good news: We still can use some of the champion investor's techniques, and those techniques could lead us to investing success.

So if you want to follow in Buffett's footsteps this year and over time, do these three things.

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Source Fool.com