Want to Invest Like a Billionaire? This ETF Lets You Buy SpaceX, OpenAI, Stripe, and Other Unicorns for Less Than $50.

Private equity and venture capital firms typically have access to investments that are not available to everyday investors. Why? Well, to put it simply, these funds raise capital from ultrahigh-net-worth individuals called accredited investors.

In turn, large investment firms gain access to opportunities that aren't typically found on public exchanges. The catch is that these opportunities are highly risky -- so they're only available to investors who attain a certain threshold of income or net worth.

Nevertheless, investing in start-ups can be extremely appealing. A new exchange-traded fund (ETF) called the Destiny Tech100 (NYSE: DXYZ) could represent a unique chance for retail investors to mimic the activity of venture capitalists. Let's dig into the fund, and assess whether investing like a billionaire is right for you.

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Source Fool.com