Want to Invest in Web3? Look No Further Than This Cryptocurrency

The invention of blockchains and cryptocurrency has already shaken up the world of finance, and likely still has more in store. But this technology can disrupt multiple industries, and could pave the way for innovation in music, art, and even the internet itself. Fortunately for investors, this future upheaval can be a lucrative opportunity. 

A new age of the internet known as Web3 is only in its infancy, but it made considerable strides in 2022 and is leveraging the perks that come with blockchains and cryptocurrency to create a more open, decentralized, and secure internet.

The next iteration of the internet aims to be the antithesis of the current Web2 we find ourselves in, where user data is anything but private, large tech companies call the shots, and protocols remain behind closed doors. With Web3, the internet will return power to its users and allow them to rewrite the rules of the game.

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Source Fool.com