Warren Buffett Bought $9.2 Billion of This Stock in 2023. And He's Probably Buying More in 2024.

Warren Buffett hasn't seen a lot to like in the stock market recently.

While he added to some positions in Berkshire Hathaway's (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B) portfolio in 2023 and started a couple of new ones, he's been a net seller of stocks in each of the past five quarters. The strong performance of the stock market over the past 15 months has made it difficult for the Oracle of Omaha to find a lot of stocks worth sinking Berkshire's growing cash pile into. As a result, the company ended 2023 with a record $167.6 billion of cash and equivalents on its balance sheet.

That said, there's one stock Buffett hasn't been able to stop purchasing. He bought shares every single month in 2023, and there's a good chance he'll continue to buy more this year.

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Source Fool.com