Warren Buffett Just Sold Shares of This Stock-Split Stock. Should You?

When Warren Buffett buys or sells stocks, investors watch carefully. And for one good reason: The billionaire investor's track record of success. As chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has delivered a compounded annual gain of more than 19% over 57 years, surpassing that of the S 500 index. The champion investor and his team have done this by choosing top quality stocks trading for reasonable prices.

In the most recent quarter, Buffett sold a number of stocks, in some cases completely closing out positions and in other cases just reducing his position. And a company on this list was one that, after years of stock market gains, completed a stock split last year.

I'm talking about e-commerce and cloud computing giant Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN). Buffett didn't eliminate it from the portfolio, but instead reduced his position by 5%. Should you follow in his footsteps? 

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Source Fool.com