Warren Buffett Loves Activision Blizzard. Should You?

There's no denying Warren Buffett is the greatest living investor. Berkshire Hathaway has generated better than 20% compounded annual returns since 1965. Although Buffett's performance in recent years has been well below that (about 8% a year over the past five years), it's his consistency over time that has attracted legions of investors to follow him.

Yet the Oracle of Omaha doesn't always practice what he preaches. He has famously derided investments in both airlines and railroads as losing bets, but has bought stocks in both industries. He called derivatives "weapons of financial mass destruction," but invested in them anyway. Securities regulators also extend to Buffett special market privileges, such as not reporting trades in a timely manner, that are unavailable to smaller investors (other billionaires, though, are also given such inside access).

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Source Fool.com