Warren Buffett May Not be Worried About a Recession. Here's Why

The big question on the mind of just about every investor right now is whether the U.S. economy will tip into a recession, and if it does, how severe will that recession be? Naturally, the market is curious about what legendary investor Warren Buffett thinks given that the 92-year-old is one of the most successful investors ever. Plus, he has quite a lot of experience with recessions.

While Buffett has not outright stated there will be a recession, he did say at Berkshire Hathaway's (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B) annual meeting earlier this month that he expects to see earnings decline in most of Berkshire's businesses as the economy slows.

Still, it's quite possible that Buffett is not that worried about a recession. Here's why.

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