Warren Buffett Owns a Lot of Stocks -- Here's the One I'm Most Excited About

If you're thinking about making some of Warren Buffett's stock picks for your own investment portfolio, you wouldn't be wrong -- he's not called the Oracle of Omaha for nothing. Over the course of the past several decades, his Berkshire Hathaway portfolio regularly outperforms the S&P 500 on a yearly basis. His approach to selecting stocks works well for him.

But Buffett has quite a bit more resources to invest with and can make several picks to help improve his odds of success. Your available investment capital is likely more limited. If you've only got room in your portfolio for one of Buffett's picks, Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) is your best bet right now.

If you keep tabs on the banking sector, then you likely know BofA hasn't exactly been a star performer of late. Shares of the big bank are down 27% year to date, underperforming the already poorly performing broad market. Brewing economic weakness paired with (and stemming from) rising interest rates are the key culprits of the setback.

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Source Fool.com