Warren Buffett Shares Why He Loves Coca-Cola and American Express

It's no secret that investing guru Warren Buffett loves Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) and American Express (NYSE: AXP) stocks. Although he's generous with his investing advice, he doesn't typically address specific positions in the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio. But he has been singing these two companies' praises for years.

He was touting them again in his annual shareholder letter released in late February, giving investors another peek into his approach to investing.

Despite the fact they're operating in completely different industries, Buffett groups Coca-Cola's and American Express' stocks together. They're both old and established -- American Express has been around since 1850, while Coca-Cola has been operating since 1886. Buffett joked that "Berkshire is not big on newcomers."

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Source Fool.com