Warren Buffett Would Have Loved This Stock Before He Became a Billionaire

Warren Buffett, the chairman and chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B) is considered one of the greatest investors of all-time and his expertise has made him a billionaire many times over. So, when Buffett and his team add stocks to the $300 billion Berkshire Hathaway portfolio, it moves markets.

But, there are certain stocks Buffett can't invest in -- particularly, small-caps. He has acknowledged this fact, saying in the past that he must invest in "elephants" and avoid "mosquitoes," even if the elephants are less attractive. The reason is, the mosquitoes are too small to have any real impact on his massive portfolio and loading up with too many shares would create reporting requirements and more risk.   

Now, getting into the brilliant mind of Buffett is impossible, but based on his philosophy and track record, there is one "mosquito," at least, that he might like right now as an investment if he could -- The Bancorp (NASDAQ: TBBK). Here's why. 

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Source Fool.com