Warren Buffett vs. Carl Icahn: Is Berkshire Hathaway or Icahn Enterprises a Better Stock for You?

There are a few stocks out there that buck the normal trends with what might seem like eclectic, if not random, portfolios across a wide array of businesses. But that can make sense if the person running the show is a famous investor like Warren Buffett or Carl Icahn. But be careful when you look at Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A)(NYSE: BRK.B) or Icahn's Icahn Enterprises (NASDAQ: IEP) because you really need to understand what you're buying.

Generally, when you buy a stock, you're buying a company with a fairly specific business approach, like building cars or producing food. Sure, there are some conglomerates that bring together more disparate businesses, but even then, there's usually some glue that holds the logic together.

When it comes to Berkshire Hathaway and Icahn Enterprises, however, that glue is not really about the businesses involved. It's all about the personalities.

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Source Fool.com