Warren Buffett's $38 Billion Silent Warning to Wall Street Shouldn't Be Ignored

When Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A)(NYSE: BRK.B) CEO Warren Buffett speaks, professional and everyday investors tend to pay very close attention. That's because the Oracle of Omaha, as he's now affably known, has absolutely run circles around the benchmark stock indexes over a nearly six-decade span. Whereas Berkshire's Class A shares (BRK.A) have galloped higher by more than 4,200,000% in 58 years, the benchmark S 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) hasn't even topped a 30,000% aggregate gain, including dividends paid, over the same timeline.

Riding Warren Buffett's coattails has been a proven moneymaking strategy for decades, which is why investors wait on the edge of their seats for quarterly Form 13Fs to show what he and his investment team have been buying and selling.

However, investors don't have to wait for Berkshire Hathaway's quarterly 13Fs to get an idea of what the Oracle of Omaha has been up to. Berkshire's quarterly operating results can provide this answer. Unfortunately, investors may not be thrilled with what they find.

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Source Fool.com