We Love Our Pets, and IDEXX Knows It

Last week I took my dog Sully to the vet because he wasn't eating (and as anyone who has a Lab can tell you, almost nothing comes between them and their food!). An exam, blood test, and an X-ray later, he was diagnosed with gastritis and given some medicine -- all for the low price of $468. I didn't think twice about the size of the bill because, well... he's a part of our family. I'm not alone in that sentiment: 98% of pet owners feel the same, according to a 2016 survey by The Human Animal Bond Research Institute Foundation in partnership with Cohen Research Group. This close attachment to our pets is precisely what IDEXX Laboratories (NASDAQ: IDXX) is banking on.

Image source: Getty Images.

IDEXX develops and manufactures products and services for companion animal and livestock veterinary, as well as for water quality testing. Think of it as the Quest Diagnostics for animals.

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Source Fool.com