What Happens to Apple's Touch ID Now?

Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) only brought Touch ID to the Mac just last year in the redesigned MacBook Pros, which inevitably spurred speculation that Apple might eventually try to bring the fingerprint recognition technology to other Macs in the near future. It would seem silly to embark upon such a transition but not bring Touch ID to other desktop Macs, likely with Touch ID integrated into an external keyboard. There was even a patent published earlier this year for such an accessory.

But with the introduction of Face ID, the fate of Touch ID remains unclear. Apple's 2018 iPhone lineup is expected to drop Touch ID altogether in favor of Face ID as the TrueDepth supply chain matures and ramps, according to KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. Next year's iPad Pros are similarly expected to make the switch to 3D facial recognition.

What happens to Touch ID now?

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Source: Fool.com