What If Trump’s Mob Had Completely Overrun the Capitol? 

What do you think would have happened if the mob of Trump supporters had succeeded in stopping the count of presidential electoral votes on January sixth? What if they had gone even further and harmed or killed members of Congress – and perhaps even carried out their threats to hang Vice President Mike Pence?

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What If Trump's Mob Overthrew The Government?

One possible outcome – although highly unlikely – is that the mob would have succeeded in overthrowing our government, and President Trump would have declared Marshall Law, and then refused to leave office two weeks later. Had that happened, our democratic form of government would have been destroyed, and not only would Trump have become dictator for life, but we could have looked forward to Donald Trump Junior eventually succeeding him.

But there was a much more likely outcome if the pro-Trump mob had completely overrun the Capitol and begun harming or even killing members of Congress and the vice president. After order was finally restored, the electoral vote count would still have been completed and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would have become the president and vice president elect.

Very likely, nearly every member of the mob of insurrectionists would have been arrested by the National Guard and other law enforcement officers, and been charged with capital crimes and insurrection. Many would have spent their lives in prison – or worse.

Not only would President Trump stopped demanding that Congress “stop the steal,” but he might have even conceded that Biden had won the election. And there would have been an excellent chance that he would have been charged with inciting an insurrection.

Storming Of The Capitol

By the evening of January sixth,  it had become very clear just how close the mob had come to taking members of Congress prisoners and even killing them. But today hardly anybody is still talking about that. And almost no one is talking about how close we came to actually having our government overthrown.

What if the first three people in the presidential succession – Vice President Mike Pence, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Chuck Grassley, had been killed?

It is truly amazing that a majority of registered Republican voters not only believes that the election was stolen from Trump, but that the mob that stormed the Capital was made up mainly of members of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Surely, it would strain credulity that members of Antifa would wear MAGA hats, or Proud Boy, Oath Keeper and Three Percenter tee-shirts and jackets. And surely, very few Black Lives Matter members would carry Confederate flags, while trying to pass for white.

But even the stupidest and most ignorant among us know the penalty for treason – even ex-President Trump.

The post What If Trump’s Mob Had Completely Overrun the Capitol?  appeared first on ValueWalk.

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