What It Takes to Become a Doctor

Even with the current healthcare uncertainty in the United States, many people still want to become doctors.

In some cases that's due to a desire to help people, and in others it's because doctors make a lot of money. Even the lowest-paying three specialty fields for doctors paid average salaries of over $200,000 in 2016, according to a report from Medscape.

Clearly when being a pediatrician pays $204,000, endocrinologists earn $206,000, and family physicians make $207,000 annually -- and those are the bottom-paying rungs of the profession -- people will want to get in. That's helped by the fact that the numbers are even better for the highest-paid doctors, with orthopedists ($443,000), cardiologists ($410,000), and dermatologists ($381,000) taking the top spots.

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Source: Fool.com